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KitchenPad Timer Pro IPA App Version 3.0
- Stunning, simple and elegant design with easy to use controls! Set, start & pause timers with ease.
- Set up to 9 timers at once (5 stove-top and 4 oven timers)
- Timer displays tell you what's on the stove or in the oven, how much time left and the temperature or heat setting. Stove-top timers have heat settings from low to high, and with oven timers you can choose from fahrenheit, celsius, and by popular demand gas mark.
- Audio alerts with local & push notifications when timers complete even if the app is running in the background. Select from our list of 15 alert sounds and remember to put your volume up!
- Ability to save your favorite timers! Easily recall them later when making your favorite dishes.
What are people saying about KitchenPad Timer:
... may serve to soothe culinary anxiety ... - LA Times
KitchenPad Timer to the rescue! - The Hot Dish
Kitchen Timer on steroids - ipadnytt.se
... must have and highly recommended! - AppDictions.com
... It's only a couple of bucks and can be really useful... - TUAW.com
Want to get this app for FREE?
We are giving away a free download of KitchenPad Timer every Friday to one of our Twitter followers. We select a winner randomly every week... for a chance to download this app for free, simply follow us at www.twitter.com/prativoapps
What's new in Version 3.0
- Added portrait orientation to iPad version! Now you can enjoy the iPad version in any orientation.
- Shake device to clear all timers! We put a button on the toolbar too, for those whom don't wanna shake.
- New play/pause toggle buttons to start and stop all the timer at once.
IPA size 5.0 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
Download here: http://twitbird-ipa.blogspot.com✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩
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