Miss Q-Tee IPA Game Version 1.3


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Miss Q-Tee IPA Game Version 1.3
Miss Q-Tee IPA Game Version 1.3
Ever dreamed of becoming a fashion designer? Now you can design your own custom tops, tees and tanks: choose the style, color, pattern and even the slogan.

You can also choose your fashion model; do her hair, pick her eyes and lip color.

Choose a pattern from our collection or make your own. Just take a picture with the camera and it becomes your new pattern. Want a t-shirt with a picture of your bff? Take her picture and put it on a shirt. Now write a message on it and send it to her (or him!!??) Sweet! The possibilities are endless with Miss Q-Tee!

-- Six fashionable models to choose from!
-- Many hairstyles and eye/lip colors!
-- Choose between, tops, t's and tanks!
-- Endless patterns, colors and materials to choose from!
-- Our make-you-own using the camera feature!
-- Customize your creation with your own slogan!
-- Send you faves to all your friends!

Show off your creativity with Miss Q-Tee!

What's new in Version 1.3
New patterns, new colors, new features!

IPA size 9.3 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later

Download here: http://twitbird-ipa.blogspot.com✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩

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