Percentages - Percent Calculator IPA 1.81


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Percentages - Percent Calculator IPA 1.81
Percentages - Percent Calculator IPA 1.81
Percentages now comes with EIGHT percentage tools:

1. Find the percent of a number
Use this option to find the percentage of a value. For example, what is 17.5% of 199.99? Answer is 35

2. Find the percent of a part value
For example, what percentage is 55 of 200? Answer = 27.50%

3. Find the percentage change from one value to another
For example, If an item originally cost 19.99 and now costs 17.99, by what percent has the price changed? Answer = 10.01%

4. Calculate the value that y% is of value x
For example, 245 if 15% of what value? Answer = 1633.33

5. Increase a number by a percentage
For example, what is 239 + 7%? Answer = 255.73

6. Decrease a number by a percentage
For example, what is 47.00 less 15%? Answer = 39.95

7. Calculate the original value after a percentage was deducted
For example, If you have an item that costs 140.00 and this was after a 30% deduction, what was the original price before the deduction? Answer = 200.00

8. Calculate the original value after a percentage was added
For example, If an item costs 19.99 including tax at 17.5%, what does the item cost excluding tax? Answer = 17.01


- Large easy to see numbers
- Large numeric only keypad (less prone to miss types)
- Clear and easy explanation of the answer
- Learn mode (Clearly explains how the calculation was made and the formula)
- Popup help for each of the tools (simply press the info icon on the title bar)
- Reverse inputs (tap the centre button to swap the input values around)
- User definable number of decimal places
- International Number formatting with large number separators


- Save and Share
- Currency mode
- Landscape support
- iPad version re-design


Love this app! I no longer need to calculate all my work, which usually takes me forever. I calculate percentages on all my SEO SEM month over month traffic and revenue - this is a huge help!

Fantastic app used several times at work so quick and useful thank you

I've always struggled with percentages but I need them constantly at work for stats and reports. This app is exactly what I have been after all this time, it's very easy to use and I would be lost without it now. Incredibly good value and glitch-free - highly recommended.

Fast, easy to use. It spits out the results no problem.

I use this a lot for my price mark-ups/changes at work because my math is poor. Thanks for the simple and straightforward app!

Does everything that it says! Works out the % for you, that's great for my job buying materials for jobs!!

What's new in Version 1.81
- Fixed number formatting when swapping numbers
- German localisation
- Spanish localisation

IPA size 1.1 MB
LANGUAGES: English, French, German, Spanish
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later

Download here:✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩

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